Monday Truclusions – Finding The Answer To A Pertinent Question That Decides Your Future Course Of Life!

Kabhi kisiko mukkamal jahan nahi milta!
Kahi zameen, toh kahi aasaman nahi milta!

One of my favorite songs, the lyrics translate into- “No one in this creation is ever fulfilled or content. If someone doesn’t have land under his feet, someone doesn’t have the sky over him/her.”

Welcome to another edition of Monday Truclusions, bringing to you a new story and an inspiring personality every week. I get to learn so much myself on this journey of writing to you. These last couple of weeks I spent a lot of time watching the Common Wealth Games 2018. So it’s but obvious that I am inspired by all the fantastic athletes and sports persons whose performances were nothing but amazing!

But first, let me start with a small story that would help you relate to the personality I am soon to talk about!

The Story Of The Unappreciated Leaf

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful garden, which had many plants with beautiful flowers of many colours. But there was one plant which had the most beautiful flowers anyone had ever seen. Everyone who visited the garden only spoke about that flower, so much so that the leaves of that plant started feeling depressed as they felt no one spoke about them. They felt they were good for nothing.

One day a storm hit the garden so hard that the strongest trees feel to their feet. The whole garden was destroyed, let alone the flowery plants. One of the leaves of the most beautiful flowery plant fell into the lake besides the garden and was sailing away.

Along so many things that got blown into the lake, there was a little ant that was also blown on to the water. And while the ant was struggling to keep itself afloat and alive, the leaf sailed towards the ant and offered its help. He asked the ant to get on his back and that he would take it to safety.

After the ant reached the banks safely, he thanked god for creating the leaf who was his saviour. If not for the leaf the ant would has seen its end. The leaf for the first time felt so proud of itself. He too thanked god for making it a leaf that could float on water, and was never sad again.

The point I am trying to bring to your notice is that every single one of us is faced with challenges. No one in this entire creation is complete or should I say fulfilled. But the true champions of life are those who make the most of what they have.
Sophie Pascoe on Monday truclusions
Photo Credit

Sophie Pascoe – 

Today the champion you are going to read about is one such awe-inspiring personality-Sophie Pascoe, the flag bearer who led a 250-people strong New Zealand contingent at the Common Wealth games at Gold Coast. You might ask what is so special about Sophie leading the NZ contingent.

Sophie Pascoe happens to be the first para athlete to lead the able bodied NZ contingent at the games. This swimming champion is a below knee amputee due to a lawnmower accident, when she was just 2. But that hasn’t stopped her from winning 15 Paralympic medals and breaking the world record of most Paralympic medals won.

At the age of 9, Sophie promised her dying grandfather that she will win an Olympic medal. Today she is the most decorated New Zealand Paralympian. It is the look on her father’s face and the emotion in his eyes on seeing his daughter become a world beater, is what keeps her aiming high every single day.

Sophie’s coach- Rolly Crichton, says she sets very high standards for herself. Though she won the gold in multiple events in the pool, she still wants to improve on her timing. That means she constantly wants to be the best version of herself. Her mother says it came to her as a surprise to watch her daughter be the flag bearer of their country, and she couldn’t be more proud of Sophie.

What Pushes Sophie To Better Herself Everyday?

My hats are off in salute to Sophie, the pain- both physical and emotional, the stress of losing her leg wouldn’t be less on her. But what is that, that enabled her to achieve what she has?

Yes the regular answers are grit, determination, focus and what not. But today let me drive your attention to something else, something most of us don’t realise! All the qualities that we mentioned earlier are bi-products of one thing. Why we do what we do? What is that pushes Sophie to endure and push her limits? When you have answered why you want to do something and focus on it, all the other qualities develop on their own. Sophie found her answer that keeps her going!

All of us have faced situations, where we are afraid of being ridiculed if we fail, haven’t we We are afraid of being attacked emotionally; more over we are sometimes too harsh on ourselves. We go on to have nightmares of failures so much so that we end up losing sleep over it. Why does this happen? This happens only because we let it happen. Our mind plays games with us. It keeps on playing and re-playing our strongest thoughts over and over again. It is these thoughts that form our persona and in turn our character.

Food for thought, have you answered your WHY? Will your WHY push your limits? If no, you still haven’t found your answer. So think again!

Liked reading this? Then you might also like to read Monday Truclusions – About Opportunities That Come Knocking & The Ones That Don’t!

If there’s any story that needs to be told, we will tell it. Write to us at with your story lead, or contact us on Facebook or Twitter.

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