Akshara Damle: Influencing Policies And Ensuring Change

There isn’t a soul in India who has not, at one point or the other, wished that the government policies of the country would change. We all have lived through good and bad moves by our governments, commented on them, and suggested better ideas amongst ourselves. But what most of us do not know is that the government is obliged to take these suggestions seriously if they are conveyed in the right way.

Meet Akshara Damle, a man who has been working in this very direction. This policy analyst from MYParliament, told us some completely unknown facts about how he has been influencing the government in order to change existing policies – and told us how we can too!

Who Are Policy Analysts?

“Policy analysts are think tanks,” says Akshara. “Whenever government makes a new policy, it puts it out in the open to receive feedback from people, which most people are unaware of. While people can give their opinion on the policy, we analysts conduct an in-depth study of it from a holistic perspective. It is painstaking, but it does pay off for the larger good.”

Being a policy analyst takes a lot of subject knowledge, willingness to work, and double the patience, but feedback from people is a vital requisite for policy to be implemented in India, which is often neglected due to a number of reasons. “We are doing our bit to change this, and to do justice to the ideals of democracy,” he reflects.

The Fields Of Analysis Thus Far

Akshara is a student of psychology and a full-time counselor. He is a policy analyst by interest, and a good one at that. He has worked on air pollution control policies of Delhi, which was a huge venture. But he says that the analysis that he is the proudest of is the recent one he made on the skill development policy of India.

There are many more, and Akshara says that he feels proud to be a little part of bringing about the change that everyone wishes to see. More so, he urges everyone he meets to do the same, and his zest towards monitoring the administration of India is contagious.

A Multi-faceted Personality

Akshara Damle


As mentioned, Akshara is also a psychologist. One might assume by his bio-data that he is a typical ‘civics freak’ who studies government affairs all day long. Well, while that is true up to a point, there are many other things Akshara makes time for. He is a columnist, runs a news website, and has studied Carnatic music. He says that he is a big fan of cultural shows, and makes time for them whenever there is one. But most of all, he is the

But most of all, he is the National Executive Member of MYParliament, an institution that is actively creating aware politicians for the future. Akshara travels around the state, as well as the country, spreading the word about the importance of catching good politicians young.

Working Towards A Bright Future For Our Nation

Akshara has a positive vision for India. He says that the people of India can change the law and policies here – not by strikes or force – but through logical feedback. Any government will receive and appreciate well-researched and reasonable suggestions given by the people of India.

We do not make this effort, probably because most of us are not even aware of these opportunities, but we later blame the government for their missteps. Instead, take some time to read potential policies on government websites and share your feedback, and the policy makers will take it into consideration.

Most of us might find this kind of task boring. But Akshara says that it is immensely satisfying as one gets to play a role in bringing about large-scale changes in society. His work is well appreciated and he also spends his time with major political leaders. Best of all, he is as productive and happy as any young adult could be.

Akshara Damle

We consider Akshara a successful story because he took a path that was relatively unknown to most. He is doing a commendable job in spreading the word about this incredible aspect of democracy. His words inspire students to take a step in the same direction, and Akshara answers all the questions they may have.

We happened to meet him at an event where he was doing this, and we had the chance to talk to him after the program. He gave us so many valuable insights that we thought his story must not go untold, and here it is. There is a famous quote that seems appropriate for this situation, “Be the change you want to see in the world”. Akshara and others like him embody these words. We can’t wait to see more!

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