Bringing Splash of Colors to Life: Vilas Nayak

His strokes and smiles at the speed of light makes you stand up to your feet…

Europe’s Leading Violinist With Vibrant Persona: Mrs. Jyotsna Srikanth

This was the first time we didn’t travel, instead logged in and waited for the star…

And the Children Shall Lead: Mrs. Roopa Pai

We waited keenly to meet up with India’s first children’s fantasy adventure novelist in the café where…

A good laugh is the best medicine: Comedian Praveen Kumar

On a cloudy Sunday evening, we were at a Café Coffee day. We were certain that…

Melodies of Brindavan: Pandit Hariprasad Chourasia

His musical journey has had the most unlikely beginnings and yet today he is the greatest…

Crusader against Corruption: Master Hirannaiah

This can not be titled an interview in the right sense. The experience was that of…

From Ravichandran to Rajnikanth: Jolly Bastian

Rising from a mechanic to a macho man on the silver screen, presenting moments where you…

A Fountainhead of inspiration: Krishnarao Jaisim

We had not heard of Frank or Fuller or a motorcycle called Triumph Tiger Cub. We…

More than just a t(wit)ter persona: Ramesh Srivats

He called us to his office where we could interview him. What welcomed us was an…

The Digital Magician: Simon Pierro

Then he gave us his visiting card with pen scribbles-stars, moustache, beard, horns, etc- and apologized…