World Environment Day: Join Us to Plant Dreams and Hopes

Coke Bottle-Step1Couple of articles on Environment day on the internet triggered the think-tank at KYS, and we decided that we should mark this day in a unique way. We were horrified to see how some “environmental” bodies/agencies/clubs had completely monetized the occasion. Slogans like, “Give us INR 200, and we’ll plant on your behalf”, put us in disgust, made us revolt, and come up with this campaign.

We wondered how well a commonly available and frequently used drink, Coke, could be put to good use (some said it had elements of natural pesticide!). We came up with a plan to recycle the ever-increasing waste Coke bottles after some online research. We took some bottles, got some knives from the kitchen, cut the bottles open, fetched some soil and strings, and looked out for tiny little plants which will carry our aspirations!

Coke Bottle- FInalIt took us a couple of hours to come up with a prototype, after some trials and errors. We exchanged happy high fives amongst dirty hands, as we saw our little plants standing tall in our handmade bottle pots. Though the pot wasn’t fancy in any way, they served two purposes on this occasion. Firstly, it was nurturing the life of a plant and secondly, we had recycled the used bottle, which would otherwise have been added to the monstrous garbage of the city. Also, we realized that an advantage to use this method over a normal pot is that you can see the roots of the plant when they get too big, so you know when it needs more space.

We request your backing this time around again. We are finding schools, orphanages or the likes as takers (we are donating, not selling!) for our beautiful pots. We have agreed to conduct workshop at a school and help kids make it. Every used bottle you donate will be hung in those corridors where a young mind will look at them in fascination and build his/her dream! Used bottles/Strings will beCoke Bottle- Final2 picked up from your doorstep and your name will be written on it. Please write to us with your address to either via mail ( , or tweet to us, or send us a message on FB.

Remember, you’re not just donating a used bottle here, but you’re also building a dream, recycling garbage, and painting the world green! Be a part of this unique campaign. Happy Environment Day!

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