Monday Truclusions – Bridging The Gap Between Disability & Marriage With Love

Welcome back folks to Monday Truclusions. I must thank you for the incredible response I received for last week’s write up. It is your response every week that inspires me to write for the weeks to follow. Today we are going to talk about something different, but before we do that I need to tell you a small story.

This story is about…

A Little Girl, Her Family And Love!

She loved reading romantic stories and was fascinated by the concept of true love. One fateful day, after a tragic accident, her mother became wheel-chair bound. She started noticing that her parents didn’t seem to be in love like they used to be. She noticed that her father spent lesser time with her mom, and never helped her with household chores, even while she struggled. He just didn’t seem to care about her state, and she felt very sad for her mother.

With the distance growing day by day, she feared that a day would come when they would want to get separated, and the thought of not living with her family shattered her because she loved them both equally. A few days after, she heard loud arguments coming from her parents’ room. The girl decided that the dreaded day was here, and prayed to God that they start loving each other again!

When her dad was leaving the home, she ran to him and hugged him tightly.

Girl – “Don’t leave us. I love both you and mom very much. I want to stay with both of you.”

Dad (startled) – “What made you think think I wanted to leave and that I did not love your mom anymore?”

She explained all her observations to her dad, and then told him that he should love her mom more now by bringing her flowers, gifts etc.

Dad – “Do you think this will help her feel loved?”

Girl – “It will definitely make her feel good”

Dad– “My sweetheart, like you said, all this will only help her feel good, but not loved. To feel loved, she has to start loving herself again like she did before the accident. I don’t help her much anymore because I want her to be independent. I stay out longer, so that she can come up with her own ways to get her work done without me. I don’t show pity or sympathy to her, not because I don’t understand her state, but because I don’t want her to feel sorry about herself in any way!

When you heard us arguing earlier, it was because I was offered a job that would require me to travel 6 months a year. I said I will turn it down because I don’t want to stay away from you all for that long. But she was insisting I take it to help my career.

Two people fight with each other sometimes, because they just love each other so much!

The shocked girl was so happy and relieved to hear this. She felt much more confident and stronger knowing her parents were the most wonderful couple in the whole world!

What Is A Strong Relationship Based On?

The theme of this story is that the couple was not fighting because their relation lacked love, but because they wanted each others life to be better. This kind of compassion can come into a relation when both the people involved feel very strongly for each other. That is possible when there is unshakable trust in the relationship.

The point I am trying to make through this story is that, love and faith are beyond any physical barriers and limitations. Relationships should be built on the foundation of faith, love and friendship, and not on any kind of compromises- especially the marital ones.

Marriage & Physical Disability

One reason that causes great compromises in relationships is physical disability and so, a high percentage of people with disability prefer being single or are forced to be so.

The question is would a couple separate from one another just because something undesirable happened to one of them? If the answer is no, then why deprive people of a happy family life because they were born with the limitation or it was forced on them for no fault of theirs?

What we fail to realize is that being limited physically doesn’t mean that people cannot be in love and lead a normal family life. It only requires a mature mind and a large heart to love someone for what they are.

This can happen only when the society encourages people from all walks of life to believe in relations. True change occurs when communities come together and stand for it. But ask yourselves- Are we ready as a society to accept this change?

Inclov – The Inclusive Matchmaking App

May be not yet, but there is good news in the form of an app called Inclov, the name of which was coined by combining Inclusion and Love. It’s the world’s first matchmaking app which focuses on people with disability and other health disorders to find love. All thanks to the vision of a young girl from Gujarat- Kalyani Khona, the founder of this unique app.

Inclov is accessed by a billion people across the world. The app matches different people based on various factors like- basis cure availability, level of independence, medical condition, and lifestyle choices. This app has assisted a lot of people with disability to find their life partners and helped in changing the mindsets of a lot of people about the concept of a strong marriage.

That said, before I end this week’s Truclusions, I urge everyone to express yourself freely and not be shy with the help of my poem below!

I have got so much to say
But I’ll never know if I may
I fell for you at the first sight
I think of you day and night
I was yours before I even knew
All I dream of, O my love is only you
How I wish you could be mine
Till the moment the sun does shine
To my wish if you do say yes
I would believe he does bless
Only for you my heart does beat
Without you in it is just dead meat

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