Content With A Cause

What is ‘Content With A Cause’?

It’s an opportunity for you to bring your Head, Heart and Hands together.

Now, what does that mean?

It’s simple: If you’ve read a story (head), and have been moved by it (heart), then here’s your chance to be of service (hands).

You and I are often inspired to act after reading stories, but get bogged down by day-to-day life and the problems we face. Most of the time, the desire to help is forgotten before you can act upon it. So we decided to make things easier for you by capturing the moment and channelling that inspiration into service with just a click of a button.

For many of us, time is a scarce commodity and we cannot always make time to help the society or support any causes in person. So we find ourselves using our wallets to make a difference, which is amazing too! But it’s important for you to remember that every contribution you make – in any form (Did you know there is more than one form of wealth?), is significant, and we will be very grateful.

For Content With A Cause (CwC), we will not ask you to contribute amounts that may seem unreasonable to you. Our intention is to introduce you to the world of service with causes that require you to open your hands and hearts, just a little bit. It might not seem like a huge amount by any stretch of imagination, but it has the potential to change someone’s life! We believe that small actions, when performed with great love, can create huge ripples.

So take your baby steps towards ‘Service’ with us through small acts of kindness. You are just 4 steps away from earning your first CwC badge! (Watch this space to know about the attractive rewards for hitting CwC badge milestones. Will be updated soon!)

  1. Read a story under CwC category
  2. Get your dose of inspiration!
  3. Convert that urge to help into action
  4. Contribute to the cause in whatever way you can

That’s it! Stay tuned for more efforts to make this world a better place for everyone by addressing one cause at a time!